Marketing and Sales Integration



Gain immediate sales momentum with proven CRM marketing strategies plus digital/social innovation.

We have developed a way to deliver substantial sales and marketing performance improvements from your existing assets.

You know your business but sometimes an expert third party perspective can shine new light on opportunities. With expertise in sales and marketing strategy we can work to ensure your marketing strategy is aligned to sales with established value propositions understood by sales and customers.  We will also ensure sales processes and tactical planning are aligned with sales and marketing strategy. We can help deliver a fresh perspective on CRM for sales and improve your digital/social marketing effectiveness. You get better departmental integration, innovation and a better outcome from your existing assets.

Thirty years of research by leadership guru Dr John Kotter and McKinsey have proven that 70% of all major change efforts in organisations fail. Why do they fail? Because organizations often do not take the holistic approach required to see the change through. We apply Kotter’s 8 steps for change as an effective delivery methodology for optimisation.


If you would like to supercharge your sales and marketing programs please contact Duncan on 0425 209 489 or at

Duncan has the rare ability to really understand what a Sales and Marketing Director needs – as he’s been there. Duncan not only understands what’s new and sexy, but also what still works its socks off when executed well. A rare blend of pragmatism, realism and innovation. 

Dave Hunt
Executive General Manager Marketing and Alliances

Testimonial Dave Hunt

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